Keto: The Bigger Picture

If we look at the diets of the longest living, most disease free civilizations in the world, we will find that they follow a mostly or completely plant-based diet. There are absolutely lifestyle factors that play into the longevity of these people, but still much to be said about their food choices. In the western world, we tend to find mass confusion surrounding the topic of diet that has lead to a seemly endless barrage of fad diets and food ideologies. When overwhelmed and stressed out with the constant change in direction, we tend to falter back to old habits and lose sight of the new higher standards we originally aimed to accomplish. With that being said, it is becoming increasingly more important to understand the role these diet modifications should play in our lifestyles and become stronger in our convictions about the choices we make for ourselves and our families. We like to take a simple approach to these types of complexities and find ourselves asking the same questions time and time again- what process has given people the health and longevity we wish to possess? 


What is ketosis? 


Ketosis is the state your body goes into when it is deprived of carbohydrates for an extended period and resorts to fats and protein as it's primary fuel source. While this may sound interesting and something that could have potential benefits, there is much more to be understood before drawing any conclusions. The body's shift into Ketosis is a movement away from using the fuel sources it burns most efficiently, which are complex carbohydrates. Avoiding the use of complex carbohydrates as fuel lessens the amount of fiber and antioxidants that can be consumed in one day. Both nutrients are consumed in abundance by healthy and long-living civilizations- we would hate for anyone to miss out! 


Weight Loss


If your interest in a keto diet is to lose weight, you might want to consider something that will also increase your chances of living longer and becoming less susceptible to common illness and diseases. One of the many pitfalls of a ketogenic diet is a severe lack of emphasis on fiber and antioxidants and the increased consumption of animal products. When plants become the side in any diet, and the afterthought for most people eating this way, we separate ourselves from the foods that are most nourishing and make the greatest contributions to the success of our survival. Healthy weight levels and full-body fitness can be achieved on a diet void of animal products and loaded with complex carbs. Sounds scary if you already drank the cool-aid, but it's true. You can have a six-pack and still eat brown rice and bananas. 


Maintaining Health Weight & Healthy Body


Maintaining a lean and healthy body mass is often associated with consuming a whole food plant-based diet. When your body is being fed foods it can digest and absorb nutrients from most efficiently, all functions should work optimally. While it's entirely possible to lose weight on a ketogenic diet, we want to remind you that this is certainly not the only diet that could help you achieve these results. There is so much to gain from eating fruits, grains, beans, nuts, seeds, and legumes, and there are absolutely centenarians, as well as pro-body builders to providing living proof. 


Our Food Choices Add Up


For some people, getting into shape can seem like a long and enduring process that they don't feel they have the time or stamina for. If the goal is switched from, "I need results now!" to, "progress over perfection" we can rest assured that by taking steps every day to better understand what healthy food and lifestyle choices actually look like, knowing that we are on our way to the great shape we wish to see ourselves in. Exercise or physical movement have always been contributing factors to longevity, weight loss, and great health. Pair that with a well-balanced diet and you have a winning combination!