Do You Need a Vitamin Supplement? How Supplements Can Benefit Even the Healthiest Eaters

No one adheres to the perfect diet all the time. The right vitamin supplements help you consistently be at your best. 

There is no such thing as the perfect diet. While we advocate for mostly whole, plant-based foods, it’s only human to enjoy a pizza, or a piece of cake (or both) from time to time. Not every meal will be perfectly balanced, and that’s okay. That’s why we advocate for vitamin supplements—to keep your body on track and fully functional even during the bachelor party weekends, game nights, and celebratory dinners out. Here’s what you need to know when looking for a vitamin supplement.

Who Needs a Vitamin Supplement?

The short answer: everyone. Plant-based or not, vitamin deficiencies are extremely common. This is due to a number of factors. As mentioned above, no one has a perfect diet. Food preference is extremely personal, and if you’re not eating certain foods, you could very likely be missing out on key nutrients. More on that below.  

Deficiencies may also occur due to minimal vitamin absorption. Sometimes, bioavailability plays a bigger role than the actual nutrient content. For example, the calcium found in cow’s milk is about 33% bioavailable (meaning 33% is absorbed by the body). However, the calcium found in some plant foods—such as bok choy, kale, and broccoli—is between 54-62% bioavailable. Iron is another nutrient that fluctuates dramatically in terms of absorption. Nonheme iron (the iron found in plants) is not as easily absorbed by the body as heme iron (iron from animals). Iron absorption can also be inhibited when certain compounds are present such as tannis or phytates. Vitamin supplements—such as our 22 Days Nutrition vitamins—are specifically formulated for maximum absorption. 

Common Vitamin Deficiencies

Iron, vitamin B12, and vitamin D are common vitamin deficiencies in the US. Iron deficient individuals pose the risk of becoming anemic—meaning their cellular oxygen transport system isn’t working as efficiently as it should. This can lead to chronic fatigue. 

Vitamin B12 is also common among plant-based eaters and omnivores. Unlike most nutrients, vitamin B12 is scarce. Meat and nutritional yeast are the only two natural sources, though some other foods may be fortified with this nutrient. Over time, a vitamin B12 deficiency may result in similar symptoms to anemia such as weakness and fatigue. 

Vitamin D is even more elusive than vitamin B12. Unlike iron or B12, vitamin D does not naturally exist in any food. Even cow’s milk—which claims to be a good source of vitamin D—is fortified. The best source of vitamin D is the sun. However, if you live in cooler climates, it’s impossible to get enough of this nutrient from its natural source. While some plant-based beverages also fortify their product, if you’re not drinking three glasses a day on the regular, you probably aren’t getting enough. Extended periods of vitamin D deficiency can impair bone health, making bones brittle and weak. 

In essence, you’re not your best when you’re deficient in any of these nutrients. A vitamin supplement is a surefire way to keep your nutrient stores high and your energy levels up. All of our 22 Days Nutrition vitamin supplements contain these three essential nutrients to keep you going strong. 

How to Choose a Vitamin Supplement

There are a plethora of vitamin supplements on the market, and many of them contain the same nutrients. However, most supplements also contain unnecessary ingredients and fillers. Further, vitamins and supplements are not regulated by the FDA nor are they required to be third-party tested. This lack of oversight means companies can get away with literally selling placebos—there is no guarantee their pills contain what is marketed on the box, nor is there a way to confirm the quantity of any specific ingredient. 

At 22 Days Nutrition, we believe the consumer should be confident in anything they put into their body. That’s why we took our time with our new products. We obtained both the FDA and GMP (Good Manufacturing Processes) approval. Our plant-based vitamin supplements pass the same test required of any medication in the US, meaning our products are pharmaceutical grade approved. 

Vitamin Supplements Support Optimum Health

If you’re still on the fence about taking a vitamin supplement, think of vitamins like pedialyte after a night out. Plain water just doesn’t cut it—you need that boost to return to normal. Clean, plant-based vitamins provide that same boost over time. For the vast majority of us, food doesn’t cut it, because we’re not perfect. Vitamins support our mostly healthy lifestyle, helping us live our most optimal, healthy selves. 

Check out our range of 22 Days Nutrition plant-based vitamin supplements to give your lifestyle a boost.