Smoothies For Seniors

As our bodies age, our need for quality protein and optimal nutrition calls for greater attention. If we haven't already established standards for what we feed and how we care for ourselves, it is never too late to develop them! Avoiding processed and nutritionally void food isn't always the easiest thing in a world that prioritizes convenience and flavor over healthful, nourishing meals, but there are almost always solutions to be found! 


Many seniors are coaxed into consuming cheap supplemental beverages that do not contribute to their health and wellbeing. These types of drinks were created in attempts to conveniently supply older people with limited time, energy, and appetites, sustenance in the simplest, easiest way possible. While we do not disagree with this model, we do think there is much room for improvement. 


Caring For Someone Who Is A Picky/ Under Eater


If you are a caretaker and are struggling with ways to incorporate more nutrients into your family member or patients diet, smoothies can be a life-changing thing! Flavor is the gateway to any healthy habit worth sticking to and with the combination of a delicious protein powder and sweet, whole fruits, you can hide some seriously nutrient-dense superfoods in the mix! Try 22 Days Nutrition powders with oat milk, almond butter (or peanut nutter), ground flax, and frozen blueberries and gradually increase the greens. We recommend eventually graduating to kale since it is the green with the highest nutritional content, but sprouts can often pack a similar punch and spinach will be the easiest to disguise. Adding herbs like ginger or mint can also hide possibly less desirable flavors. The key to high protein, nutrient-dense smoothies is the real food aspect. When you are using real greens and fruits to supply fiber, this creates less room for stomach upset. It is very uncommonly known, but fiber additives can often cause stomach upset which will not make anyone want to come back for seconds. The key here is to create a new habit that is both pleasurable and nourishing making consistency second nature. 


Fueling Your Own Body Optimally


If you find yourself to be in the 60+ age bracket of life or are looking to help a loved one make better health choices, smoothies can also be a benefit to you in conjunction with as many plant-based choices possible. In our busy and often chaotic lives, it is always beneficial to have one constant that supplies us with ample nutrition. Virtually any ingredient can be added to a smoothie that will bump up the health benefits without taking away from the taste or texture. Try blending your fruits and veggies with a delicious, low sugar plant milk and 22 Days protein powder


We hope you realize that no matter what your age or state of health, it is never too late to focus on wellness. People have recovered from every serious, life-threatening ailments on this planet, and we believe in the body's resilience when given what it is needed to thrive and perform its basic functions. Always consult with a medical care professional before making any adjustments to your lifestyle and make it a priority to put your health first!